Wednesday 21 May 2008

I took myself out of the game

Who would have thought a movie would be the one to make some sense of what is happening in my life. This particular scene in the movie made alot of sense to me, the movie was "What happens in Vegas." Movie one liners intriques me. Just mentioned a line in the movies and i probably can tell you which movie is it from.

The more popular one liners are like: "You got me at hello." "With great power comes great resposibility" (Think Kung Fu Hustle lol.) "Freedom!!!!" (One worder) "Run forest run" "Do i make u horny?" You get the idea.

The particular scene was when Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz started to realise that they were falling in love with each other. He realise that all his life, he has never took things seriously enough, "I took myself out of the game." he confessed. "Guess when you don't place your bet in life, you wouldn't lose anything." This was a simple truth yet it stuck with me.

I realise that was me, and i always wondered why i never took life seriously enough. I never put myself on the line, to win or to lose. Playing poker made me realise this as well. You must be able to bet to win. Be it preflop, on the flop, on the turn or the river. Sometimes just by betting, you will win even with the worst hand!

My whole life, i simply took myself out of the game. I never lose nor will i ever win. Do i want to live my life this way? Hell no!

"I took myself out of the game." "If i don't place the bet i will never lose" to which Cameron Diaz replied:"I will bet on you."

Though i never did place a bet on myself, Jesus did. He believed in me even when i failed, even when i sinned, even when i fell. In the same way, though i never wanted to lose... my mother believed in me, even when i was wrong, even when i was stubborn, even when i was rebellious.

Why did God take me out of my comfort zone in advertising, I love the industry, i love the people, i love magazines... it gets clearer by the day. We have one God given life and many God given talents. We can choose to sit on the sideline of our own life and let others be the quarterback to lead our team?

I also realise that i am not the only one, many around me seems to be this way as well. Somewhere along the line we stop taking chances, in work, in relationships, in life generally. By the time we realised this, 1 year has passed, 3 years, 10 years have passed us by. Yet we just let the years slipped by.

I am beginning to want to live my life, but this time i am not doing it alone. His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses.

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