Sunday 3 December 2006

Ask for directions

Many times at different juncture of my life i wonder where the hell is my life heading. I believe i'm not alone. You may wonder if you are working in the right industry? Am i getting the right pay? Am i heading anywhere with this dead end job? Am i with the right person in the relationship?
Recently, i started attending TCC in hope of finding that passion for life again. Its too early to tell though. I was glad that i managed to find some old friends in TCC. I actually just drove myself to the church and attended their service without knowing anyone there. May this be a good beginning.
Sundays are now merely a get together with friends at faith. Its been this way for weeks. Hanging out with the church guys. Visited Expo today for the JL Expo sale, Big Boyz Toyz and the lousy digital fair. Took us 45 mins just to drive into the carpark! Apparently that was not enough and we had to visit Ikea after that. It took us another half and hour to find the location.
I have to learn to ask for directions, it just make things so much easier. Its a good thing one of Emma's friend knew where Ikea was. Glad she had the cow sense to ask for directions.
I have got to get myself one of those Mentor they always mention in books that i've read. That would have probably saved me alot of "accused" road that i have wandered. That would have given me a pretty good road map to life.