Wednesday 3 June 2009

The recession is from within

I have not have the best of time during this week. Over the weekend, my brother blacked out in the toilet and we had to call for the ambulance to send hm to the nearest hospital. It was pretty traumatizing as thoughts that he may not wake up again flashed in mind. The worried look on my mother's didn't helped either. Finally we managed to get him to the hospital at around noon after several ECG and scans the doctor confirmed that he was alright and we left the hospital around 5pm in the evening.

Today my mother just told me that my brother had to take no pay leave for 2 months as he was on medical leave after the blackout saga. Which means he will be without income for 2 months. Life goes on and expenses has to go on as well...

I was in orchard road to meet Mrs Lum today, she noticed the same thing as me. Recession? what recession? The LV and the Montblanc and all the branded stores in Ngee ann city are packed! Hour glass Dior Burberry all packed with people. Yes it is the GSS but it is still the recession right?

At least i know that the recession in my home is real. I try to stay at home and minimize my trips out unless very necessary. I have also stopped driving to minimize the fuel cost and parking charges. I am waiting for God's blessing to pur out to bring me out of this stage of my life. May the blessings of Abraham be upon me soon.

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