Friday 22 May 2009

No Music no dream

Recently, i made a list of things that i am good at. Sort of like a strength and weaknesses kind of list. I wanted to remind myself that i am good for something. Things that God has placed in my life that i have not manifest to the best of my abilities. One of the area that i have identified was Music. God has given me a great sense of hearing, a discerning pair of ears. I was always good with picking up a tune and remembering how a particular song goes and how a singer sings the song naturally without trying real hard.

Those of you who knows you have the same ability don't take it for granted, use it go further into exploring music, in singing, playing a music instrument and even creative song writing. I am delving in it myself as well. Think of those people who are tone death and couldn't even hold a tune. Worst is that they don't even realized it! Take hold of your God given talent People.

I have always wanted to make a living out of singing but was unable to do so. I realized that thi s year is not only a year for God to redeem my lost time but also God's moulding in being faithful in the little things He has placed in my life. I am really living each day as God has given me, every thing still seems fuzzy.

Though i see right now through a glass rather dimly.... But i see enough to know that i need God's guidance each step of the way as a loving Father leads his Son.

I vaguely see some light at the end of the tunnel but i see enough to know my life is insignificant by itself but Significant in the eyes of my abba father.

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