Friday 26 October 2007

Whats' love got to do with it?

Recently i had a very interesting conversation with a friend about breakups. It got me thinking about how okay is it to be still friends with your ex. after the breakup? Isn't it a little weird that someone who use to be so close to you suddenly becomes just a friend?
I use to be a firm believer that it is possible. Not anymore actually, it actually feels kind of strange to see your ex. as a friend. Especially seeing your ex. with someone new. It feels like listening to your own voice after recording it, damn bloody stupid and weird!
I mean i am happy that she has moved on but it feels very uncomfortable. Imagine meeting both of them and having to small talk. The conversation might go something like "Hey how are you?" "Great we are doing fine?" You carefully avoid topics that will reveal you were once close, so you moved on to very generic questions about work? recreational topics etc. How painful is that? Its like sitting through dinner with fear factor on tv, bull testicles in your face and pig urine poured over your head. Totally nauseating.
Btw i am imagining all this in my head, not that all these things actually happened. I could do what my friend did which was to totally shut the person out of her life and just remain as "hi and bye" friends (which means you are actually not a friend), block her out of msn and avoid places that you know she will be there.
I was thinking that i might be sub consiously doing all these things. Actually it started off with me trying to find her as i was not not over the relationship myself. Then as time goes by, with my friends making it easier for me to get over it. i started to avoid going to places she goes to, meeting with mutual friends. All these i learn only on hindsight.
Well i think generally life has been good to me still. Although my life is not perfect, i wish i have been attending church more regularly, my current credit card bills are at a "too high" level, while my pay is not. My investments are doing badly... my cherry QQ has been throwing tantrums and cost me a mini fortune to make him happy again.
Through it all, i am just glad that i have friends around me who have shown support whenever they can, keeping me company and most importantly their life sucks just like mine! Rawt Onnnn!!!! The imperfection of life is perfect for living! Most importantly, His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good insights, i must say.
we all learn thru experiences sometimes.
