Saturday 18 November 2006

The Simple life

Have you ever wondered, when did life starts to be so complicated? No matter what a bitch life was, when you were in your teens, it was straight forward and simple. Well at least for me it was.
As you hit your mid 20s, you kind of hit your quarter life and life takes a turn for disaster. Suddenly, you start worrying about your job, family, your faith and especially relationships.
You hear alot about failed and failing marriages. Infidelity of either spouse in marriage, and mind you unfaithfulness in marriage is not the sole privilege of man anymore. Does it not make you wonder why bother with marriage in the first place?
I would like to believe that the constitution of marriage means something and not really just a piece of legal binding certificate. Or just a sad excuse for either spouse to get paid alimony. (Think Britney and what's that loser's name? Kevin loserline or something something)
Being in church half my life has its pros and cons. A part of me still believes in the goodness of men. but a bigger part of me has already learnt the sadness of men. (aka reality, ain't it a bloody, F***ing bitch that bites you in your arse when you least expected)
Maybe that's the reason i still go to church. I find solace, a glimmer of hope perhaps. People in church still tries to be nice most of the time. Especially in my church, u can still see people expecting goodness from one another. They have not given up hoping and expecting from men or from God. Most importantly, they have not given up hope on themselves.
Hope is such a powerful thing. It keeps you alive because it keeps you wanting to be alive. I remember once years ago when i was representing my school for a Swiss-Singapore youth forum, one of the presentations that we had to make was:"What we wanted out of life?" Mine was pure simplicity, I wanted a beautiful life, one with a beautiful wife and beautiful children living in a beautiful house.
I thought this was the simple life, something easy to aim for. I thought wrong. Keep the faith they say, keep the faith.

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