Thursday 30 July 2009

10 years

The world moves on without a care for what is happening in your life. Okay, lets not be too ambitious here to address the whole world since the furthest country i have ever been is Australia. So, lets start over again.... Singapore moves on and doesn't even care to cast a glance at you even if you are lying flat on your face in the middle of Orchard road right outside ION orchard.

Face it, the world doesn't revolves around just you, it certain doesn't maintain its gravitational pull because you are on it. The sun is not a giant spot light that shines on you whenever you break out into a song and dance.

Just think about where you were and what you were doing 10 years ago. Fav. places that you go to, things you like to do, have they changed? I am sure the prices have but thats beside the point. 10 years ago i was fresh out from Poly and doing my NS stil trying to figure out whats next. I hang out at Olio dome during the weekends with my Jie Meis stirring a cup if their famous Ice Chocolate, btw that Olio Dome is now Balaclava at suntec. 10 years ago i was broke and can hardly afford the ice chocolate at dome but today... wait today i still can't afford it. damn it!

Well let's take a look at how things have changed around here in Singapore, Can you even remember how Marina Square looked like before it was renovated? Do you even know that it didn't looked like what it was today? The Marina area is the best example of how Singapore has managed to transformed itself to an up and coming cosmopolitan and one of the top ten cities in the world! We are now able to attract talents to become citizens, Movie stars like Gong Li, Jet Li just to name a few.

Friends, my point is, if you have so much complaint about the government and how Singapore is runned, then please run away. Many people from all over the world will be willing to take your place here in Singapore in a heartbeat. They will rejoice that there is now more space and oxygen for them to breathe. Thry are willing to work hard to prove that they belong here.

You may ask why are we allowing the so called "Foreign Talent" into Singapore. The reason is simple, we have to, we need to stay competitive and stay ahead. The locals are not willing to take up the work that the foreigners are willing to.

The service industry is a prime example of this, how many people see the service industry as a long term career and willing to start off from the very bottom rung of the ladder. How many are willing to start off as casino dealers to work their way up. I can tell you the rest of the Asean countries pray and wait to be in our position. They pray that the locals continue to have the mindset that they are superior and will not take a step back to look at the changing economy today. Then the government will have no choice but to allow the MNCs to employ more foreigners and lower the quota for locals.

The dynamics are changing, don't take another 10 years to see it coming.

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