Thursday 29 March 2007

The ability of inability

Ever wondered why the life that others live always seem better? Everyone else seem to have direction and goals in life except you? Their life seems so fulfilling, so many things to do, so little time. They've got it made!
What do people do in their spare time anyway. Then again, everyone tells me how busy they are and have no time to spare.
You rarely hear people say that they are not busy. It makes sense actually, nobody wants people to know that they have lots of time on their hands. You make sure that you mess up your desk and make it look bloody messy. Better to be known as disorganize than to be known as a do nothing. (a.k.a zho bo)
In this day and age, nobody is ever free. Nobody ever has time.
Time is short, days are getting shorter, by the minutes, by the seconds. One fine day, we will wake up and realise that there is no longer any sense of destiny in our lives anymore.
We are no longer born for greatness, the childlikeness in us that believes that we were born for a divine purpose slowly fades away and you are left with a sense of inability. You are face with this new ability of inability. You have woken up to all your inadequacies, you have fallen short, what do you do next? Resign to mediocrity? Or do you hold on to your beliefs?
Probe further and you will be faced with more questions than answers. I am going down this path right now.
I believe that each one of us has a destiny to make a difference in the lives of the people around us. Our thoughts and actions influences the people we are in contact with. You are as great as you can be to the person next to you, to the people who knows you.
I want to embrace my inabilities. I want to know that no one is without inadequacies or insecurities. In simple terms, i want to be as human as i can be.
Please forgive my humanity. I will do wrong and i will continue to do so. And i will always need forgiveness. So forgive me for i know not what i do. I know not what i ask for.

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